If you want to get your liver in shape, it is recommended that you pay particular attention to your body weight. The basis for regeneration and recovery of the liver is a long-term change in diet and, if necessary, weight reduction. Studies have shown that even a weight loss of just seven percent of the initial weight can significantly improve inflammatory liver processes within a short period of time.
Lots of fresh vegetables, wholegrain products, little sugar and no soft drinks: Almost everyone knows that this is healthy. But when it comes to the time and pace at which you should eat, it gets more difficult - and this is where expert opinions differ widely.
Some swear by 5 to 6 small meals and others prefer to eat the classic 3 meals a day.
It is crucial for a healthy weight to supply the body with all nutrients in a balanced ratio and to cover the actual requirements. This is the only way it can provide sufficient enzymes and hormones for a balanced metabolism. This is particularly important when planning to lose weight with a weakened or diseased liver.
Reach your goal slowly and safely
Rapid weight loss or radical diets are unfavorable for the liver. Crash diets often do not ensure that you consume enough energy and sufficient nutrients and vital substances.
When you lose weight, your metabolism changes, at some point it switches to economy mode and uses its own fat reserves - which is the actual goal of those who want to lose weight. However, this means stress for the liver, as a lot of fatty acids are released when fat deposits are broken down, which are returned to the liver via the blood. However, a weakened liver or fatty liver only functions to a limited extent anyway, so the sudden flood of fatty acids poses an extreme challenge.
In most cases, the nutrient distribution of meals is not optimal. It is possible that too little protein is consumed, so that you not only get rid of fat deposits, but also lose muscle mass.
However, a protein deficiency is a “NO-GO” for the liver! It can then only produce insufficient enzymes and transporter proteins, which are urgently needed to excrete toxins and metabolic end products.
Therefore: Weight reduction yes - but slowly.
If you want to reduce your weight in the long term without losing the pleasure of eating, your diet should include plenty of fresh vegetables, herbs, whole grains, high-quality vegetable fats and sufficient protein.
It is also important to get plenty of exercise in the fresh air. Increased oxygen uptake into the blood stimulates the metabolism and food is better utilized.