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Enzymes: Vital for Health

Enzymes – the conductors of metabolism

Enzymes are proteins which trigger, control and even accelerate many biochemical processes in the body. As catalysts, they cause other substances to carry out certain reactions. It is estimated that about 10,000 enzymes are active in the body. They are produced in cells, organs, bones and blood.

Each type of enzyme has its own specific range of action and cannot be used arbitrarily for other tasks. Specific digestive enzymes contained in saliva, pancreas, small intestinal secretions and gastric juice break down the food into its components and prepare the absorption of nutrients via the intestinal wall. In addition to energy production and protein formation, enzymes control the transport of various substances, establish the balance between the messenger substances and support the body’s own repair mechanisms.

Enzymes are involved in all chemical reactions that take place in the body and enable a smooth process. Enzymes are vital for keeping our body in homeostasis and ensuring that our cells are functioning properly.

If enzymes are missing

Enzymes are vital. Without them, the body would not be able to absorb carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins or minerals. In addition to controlling digestion, the production of hormones is another important task of enzymes. An enzyme deficiency can therefore have a variety of consequences and cause not only digestive problems but also serious, life-threatening diseases.

Enzyme deficiency often leads to poorly healing wounds, one becomes more susceptible to viral infections or has a tendency to arteriosclerosis, to name just a few examples. As soon as, for example, fewer fat-degrading enzymes are present, cholesterol deposits in the blood vessels can no longer be broken down properly. Migraines, which affect 12 percent of the population, can also be triggered by an enzyme deficiency as well as other factors.

Causes  of enzyme deficiency

A lack of enzymes can occur, for example, due to an unbalanced diet, diseases or old age. According to scientists, the main cause of enzyme deficiency today is the frequent consumption of highly processed, unnatural foods. This leads to a nutrient deficiency. The body no longer has sufficient vitamins and minerals available, which as coenzymes are crucial for the functioning of the enzymes.

A reduced function or a deficiency of enzymes leads to the accumulation of large amounts of free radicals, which can promote the development of chronic inflammation and accelerate the aging process.

Enzymes and body weight

Carbohydrates that are ingested with food are converted into energy by metabolic processes. Enzymes are needed for this. If there is an enzyme deficiency, then the body is in distress. The ingested carbohydrates cannot be sufficiently digested or metabolized, depending on the area in which the enzyme deficiency occurs. While undigested carbohydrates cause problems for the intestine, carbohydrates that cannot be converted into energy due to an enzyme deficiency are stored in body fat deposits. In light of this fact, it becomes clear: Additional pounds cannot always be melted by more exercise alone. It is therefore crucial to pay close attention to the diet and to prevent or correct an enzyme deficiency.

Remedy enzyme deficiency – but how?

For a well-functioning enzyme system, the body needs sufficient macro and micronutrients, i. e. the body needs mainly all 20 amino acids and numerous vitamins (B vitamins, vitamin C) and trace elements (zinc, iron, copper).

In addition to their broad spectrum of nutrients and vital substances, foods also supply the body with already active enzymes. Apart from exotic fruits, such as pineapple and papaya, local fruits and vegetables, especially eaten raw, are also very enzyme-rich. In general, raw foods are rich in enzymes that primarily serve food digestion and relieve the digestive organs, especially the pancreas. The pancreas is one of the organs that produces important digestive enzymes, such as lipases, peptidases and amylases for the breakdown of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, and that can use every support well. Below are list of foods that are rich in enzymes!

Examples of foods rich in enzymes


Contains abundant amounts of the enzyme papain, which can break down proteins into amino acids and also helps break down starch. A function that may be particularly beneficial for relieving pancreatic stress.


Is full of bromelain, a digestive enzyme that breaks down dietary proteins. In addition, bromelain can help alleviate pepsin and trypsin deficiencies.


They contain the digestive enzyme lipase. This helps to digest fat molecules into smaller molecules, such as fatty acids and glycerin, which the body can absorb more easily.

Fermented vegetables

Fermentation changes food and usually makes it more digestible. During the fermentation process, the microorganisms form enzymes which, in combination with fiber, form a healthy basis for the intestinal bacteria.


Enzymes that we ingest through food supports digestive enzymes, but cannot be directly absorbed by the body and used for metabolic processes, no matter how much enzyme-rich food is consumed, because enzymes are proteins and are also broken down during the digestive process. Therefore, it is equally important not only to focus on the consumption of enzyme-rich foods, but also to absorb numerous micronutrients that are useful for the body’s own synthesis of enzymes. With the Metabolic Balance nutrition program you get a healthy, balanced diet that can support both the digestive enzymes and the enzymes active in the metabolism. This is the basis for a balanced metabolism. 


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Medical Disclaimer: Metabolic Balance® is not a medically supervised program. The Metabolic Balance® plan and system is designed to help individuals lose weight and achieve a new lifestyle. It is a recommended meal planning program only and in no way represents a medical treatment or medical advice. The program does not constitute a medical product or service and does not diagnose or treat any medical condition or disease. It does not accommodate for physical or medical conditions, food allergies or the taking of any medications. All medical conditions and your current health status must be discussed with your physician prior to beginning this, or any other, weight loss program.

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