Breakfast has long been considered the most important meal of the day. In recent years, however, it has been increasingly skipped, often in favor of longer breaks between meals, as practiced in intermittent fasting. Many people are convinced that skipping breakfast helps them to cut calories and thus better control their weight. But is this really true? A growing number of studies suggest that eating breakfast regularly is not only healthy but can also help you lose weight.
In fact, there is evidence that people who eat breakfast regularly tend to be slimmer than those who skip their morning meal. Some research shows that skipping breakfast has no significant benefits for weight control, and in some cases, it could even increase the risk of weight gain.
Disadvantages of skipping breakfast?
Chinese researchers conducted a comprehensive meta-analysis in which they analyzed 36 cross-sectional studies and 9 cohort studies on the topic of breakfast and body weight. The result was clear: people who rarely eat breakfast had a 48 percent higher risk of becoming overweight or obese compared to regular breakfast eaters.
Why is this the case? The exact mechanisms are not yet fully understood, but experts suspect that breakfast plays an important role in regulating appetite. A balanced breakfast can help to keep blood sugar and insulin levels in balance, which prevents cravings throughout the day. Skipping breakfast, on the other hand, could lead to the body craving more quick energy sources in the form of sugar and fat throughout the day, which ultimately leads to a higher calorie intake.
Not eating breakfast could also upset the metabolism, as the body's biological clock, the so-called internal clock, is thrown out of sync. This could affect insulin sensitivity and lead to weight problems long-term. However, further scientific research is needed before definitive conclusions can be drawn.
In summary, it can be said that a regular, balanced breakfast eaten in the beginning of the day can have a positive influence on body weight. It is important to eat a healthy combination of complex carbohydrates, protein, healthy fats and fiber. For those who have little appetite or time in the morning, a smoothie can be a good alternative to start the day in a weight-friendly way.