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About Us

Welcome to Metabolic Balance, where your journey towards optimal health begins. By embracing self-empowerment and responsibility, we tailor nutrition plans that cater to individual dietary needs, ensuring a more fulfilled, vibrant life. Dive deeper into our story and discover the dedicated team behind Metabolic Balance Canada

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In 2001, the Metabolic Balance program had been developed in Germany by Dr. Wolf Funfack, Birgit Funfack and Silvia Bürkle. The Metabolic Balance GmbH & Co. KG was founded in 2002.

We consider an individual's unique dietary needs when creating a nutrition plan and ensure that all nutrient requirements are met. We use, promote and share the most up-to-date knowledge on healthy eating.

Meet the Canadian Team!

Metabolic Balance is a worldwide company, we are available in 36 countries.
There are all of the wonderful people who make Metabolic Balance Canada what it is today!
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Jen Vasey


Business Course Teacher

Vera Jamin-Wirth, Founder of Metabolic Balance Canada.jpg
Vera Jamin-Wirth


Coach Support & Project Management

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Laurent Causse


Coach Support & Lab Work Manager

Claudia McIntyre


Coach Support & Project Management

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Susan Schroeter


Nutrition Expert & Coach Support

Jane Durst-Pulkys


Coach Educator & Author

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Dr. Jacqueline Cooper, ND


Medical Affairs and Education

Ashley Doerwald


Operations Manager

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Hailey Patry


Coaching Manager


At Metabolic Balance we know that natural foods and a balanced diet are essential requirements for optimum physical and mental wellbeing. Good nutrition feeds the body, mind and spirit, thereby leading to a more fulfilled, happy and vibrant life.

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We promote self-empowerment and self-responsibility.

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Healthy food is the basis of everything. 


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In the early 1980's, when Dr. Wolf Funfack was writing up his doctorate at the Free University of Berlin, one of Germany's most distinguished universities, the medical world was in transition. Dr. Christiaan Barnard had just become internationally recognised for performing the world's first heart transplant. At the time, although slightly less fashionable, Dr. Funfack was working on the more down-to-earth and practical dissertation topic: "Obesity in Infancy and Early Childhood". Instead of posing the question 'How can I treat disease or replace diseased organs?' Dr. Wolf Funfack committed his whole life with the notion of how to stay in and maintain good health.

After working for ten years in the cardiology unit at Moabit hospital in Berlin, he took his family to Isen in the foothills of the German Alps. Here he set up his own medical practice. Dr. Wolf Funfack began to notice how a number of his patients were gaining weight. 

At that time, his wife Birgit Funfack was training to become a Naturopath. She gave Dr. Funfack new insights, such as the theory that all physical processes should be seen as individual processes that are influenced by a multitude of factors. They began exchanging information and experimenting to see how small changes in their own habits could have an impact on their wellbeing. In developing their new theories, they brought in another expert, Silvia Bürkle. As a food technologist, she viewed foods and their effects from a different perspective, which immensely enhanced their discussions.

These events marked the beginning of Metabolic Balance.

The three founders discussed and revised their evaluations and finally checked the accuracy of their methods by testing their meal plans on themselves. Their success was nothing short of impressive and word soon got around. Soon everyone wanted to take part in this successful program and Metabolic Balance became well-known.

Within a short time, the workload become so much to handle, that the founders developed a program to allow them to create the individual meal plans on a larger scale.  The exclusive Metabolic Balance software program is based on the German national food database. This program is continually refined and adjusted to reflect current research.

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From its beginnings in Isen Germany, Metabolic Balance has grown to be available in over 35 countries. The strategic direction and management of Metabolic Balance is operated in each region to ensure that our system is truly tailored to the local cuisines, customs and practitioners in the different countries around the world. 

BN Balance Inc. is the company that owns the licence for Metabolic Balance in Canada. We have successfully trained and supported plenty of Metabolic Balance coaches since 2011 in Canada. 

The Metabolic Balance Canada Team are passionate to support new coaches in bringing Metabolic Balance to their clients in Canada.

Learn More about the Science behind Metabolic Balance

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Medical Disclaimer: Metabolic Balance® is not a medically supervised program. The Metabolic Balance® plan and system is designed to help individuals lose weight and achieve a new lifestyle. It is a recommended meal planning program only and in no way represents a medical treatment or medical advice. The program does not constitute a medical product or service and does not diagnose or treat any medical condition or disease. It does not accommodate for physical or medical conditions, food allergies or the taking of any medications. All medical conditions and your current health status must be discussed with your physician prior to beginning this, or any other, weight loss program.

Copyright © Metabolic Balance Canada

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