Contact information

Health Space Clinics, 1789 Pittwater Road
Mona Vale, NSW2103


0472 842 380

Business hours






08:00 - 18:00


08:00 - 19:00


09:00 - 17:00





Get in touch!

When can we reach you best?

Information about the Coach

Kerryn is a degree qualified Naturopath (BHSc Naturopathy), a qualified Nutritionist (Adv Dip Nutrition), a Metabolic Balance practitioner and a Naturopathic Emotional Release practitioner.

Metabolic disorders often result in unwanted weight gain, sluggish energy, reduced vitality, low mood and poor sleep. They might see you eating less, and exercising more and still the weight is creeping up.  This can leave you feeling tired, frustrated and unhappy.

A balanced metabolism:

  • Promotes and supports your health
  • Reduces hormonal symptoms
  • Enhances sleep, increasing vitality and performance
  • Increases your resilience in your daily life and work
  • Rebalances your acidity/alkalinity levels thereby reducing pain and inflammation
  • Helps you achieve and maintain your desired weight
  • Brings renewed energy and general well being
  • Improves your quality of life

Kerryn personalises each program and supports her clients to achieve their health goals. With access to practitioner dispensing and using Naturopathic Emotional Release techniques, each client gets a complete program to help guide their success. 

Use the link below to book your free Discovery Call or simply book in for your Initial consultation to get started: 

About us

Face to Face appointments at :

Health Space Clinics Mona Vale, 1789 Pittwater Road, Mona Vale NSW 2103.  Call 02 9979 8887 for Reception or contact Kerryn directly on 0472 842 380 for appointments and discovery calls.

On-line appointments also available.

Disclaimer: Landing page & Information about the coach

This landing page is a subdomain of the website provided by Metabolic Balance GmbH & Co. KG (“Metabolic Balance”). It is made available for each individual Metabolic Balance coach to showcase their private practice business information. Metabolic Balance is not responsible for the accuracy, reliability or currency of the information supplied by the identified coach or by any other external sources.

Disclaimer details can be read here.