Contact information

2/120 Scarborough Street
Southport QLD4212


07 5522 8902

Business hours






09:00 - 16:00






09:00 - 12:00



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Information about the Coach

Bec is a Nutritionist with over a decade of experience in the health industry. She knows the struggles of losing and maintaining weight whilst juggling the stress of everyday life. Through her own weight loss experiences, she is able to provide deep insight into why your weight may not be shifting, and understands the pitfalls and triumphs you may have already experienced on your journey so far.

Bec understands weight loss isn't just about the numbers on the scale. It's about feeling yourself again, rediscovering your joy and passion for life again, putting yourself first again. It's about cultivating confidence, and feeling great in your own skin. Feeling truly healthy and happy. 

Combining nutrition with her growing love of energy medicine, she has created a beautiful fusion of the two in her practice. This allows her to support her clients physically, emotionally & energetically. A truly holistic approach to health.

Disclaimer: Landing page & Information about the coach

This landing page is a subdomain of the website provided by Metabolic Balance GmbH & Co. KG (“Metabolic Balance”). It is made available for each individual Metabolic Balance coach to showcase their private practice business information. Metabolic Balance is not responsible for the accuracy, reliability or currency of the information supplied by the identified coach or by any other external sources.

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