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Sleep disorders: The new widespread disease?
We spend a third of our lives asleep. And that’s a good thing, because sleep is vital. However, almost every second person nowadays...

Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Inflammatory bowel disease – Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis The incidence of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is increasing...

Cell and fat-burning principles
Combustion processes take place in the power houses of our cells, the mitochondria, which produce energy and produce residues. Energy...

Multiple Sclerosis
Multiple sclerosis is a chronic inflammatory disease of the central nervous system and is considered an autoimmune disease. The...

Autoimmune Diseases
The number of people suffering from autoimmune diseases is steadily increasing. There are currently over 60 known diseases that can be...

Suffering from histamine intolerance
DIETARY SUGGESTIONS FOR CLIENTS SUFFERING FROM HISTAMINE INTOLERANCE The most important measure in response to histamine intolerance is a...

Vitamins – Molecules For Life
There are 13 essential vitamins, and each of these vitamins are critical for maintaining our health and wellness. Our body needs these...

When Bones Break Easily
Due to rising life expectancy, osteoporosis is becoming increasingly important. In the United States alone, over 43 million people have...

Raw Food – Healthy or Unhealthy?
Many people associate a particularly healthy diet with the raw food diet. This is because the raw food diet is based on consuming foods...

Pain and Inflammation
Stop the pain! You can feel what you eat in your joints! In addition to diabetes, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and...

Spring is Allergy Season
Spring is pollen and allergy season. People who suffer from a pollen allergy feel it immediately: If the wind carries the pollen from...

Plant Based Alternatives to Cow’s Milk
Oat milk, spelt drink, rice drink, almond milk, hemp milk, etc. – the supermarket shelves are full of plant-based alternatives to classic...

Cow’s Milk – Healthy or Unhealthy?
6000 years ago, people already used cow’s milk in their nutrition – it was and has always been a staple food. Even today, cow’s milk...

All Calories Are Not Created Equal
Many people follow the guideline if you “want to lose weight, you must ingest fewer calories”. In doing so, they trust the calorie...

Springtime fatigue – Doesn’t Have to Be!
The so-called springtime fatigue is spreading. Lack of concentration, listlessness and less performance are just a few of the side...

Hypertension under control
According to studies, 55% of all 35-64-year-old Germans suffer from arterial hypertension (high blood pressure). From the age of 65, the...

What are fibres and what role do they play in nutrition?
Fibers have long been considered unimportant for the body. That this is not true, has only become clear later. For fibers are an...

The Intestines and its Inhabitants
The intestine is an important part of the digestive system – it transports the food bolus, absorbs nutrients and water, produces vitamins...

Cholesterol under control
Cholesterol is essential for human life. It is not only a necessary component of cell membranes, but also an important starting material...

It’s the milk that does it…
… or not? Is cow’s milk actually good for humans or should one rather fall back on one of the numerous milk alternatives? Pia Funfack and...
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